What does MWWAH stand for?

MWWAH is the acronym for “Mum Who Works At Home”.

We pronounce MWWAH like giving a KISS or the French way of saying me (i.e MOI)

The name also represents connecting with others (think meeting friends and giving an air kiss).

Jess Simpson

Jess Simpson is the Managing Director/creator of MWWAH and a Mum of 3. With a background in admin and small business, Jess started MWWAH in 2009 with the aim of creating an online community for the WAHM niche. Jess’ goal is to share her passion with others and assist them with their goals, aspirations and dreams.

Having suffered PND after her first child and expecting her second Jess decided she didn’t want to miss another child reach their important milestones while she worked. In her aim to become a WAHM she discovered that it was a growing trend and many others like here wanted the same thing.

Over the years MWWAH has worked with some amazingly talented women and WAHM businesses. The community has helped hundreds of women connect with others, share their passions and creativity and spread the word about them. From tiny bloggers to hobbyists right up to small business owners MWWAH has been there to connect them all. As the community has grown Jess has continued to evolve MWWAH for all the members out there. Her dedication to her brand is her fuel for MWWAH’s fire.

Contact Jess via the website, email or follow her on Facebook. Connecting with MWWAH’s pages will also mean connecting with Jess as she has a very hands on role within MWWAH and prides herself on customer service.